Design Offices Hannover Vahrenwald

Information from your service supplier
Description event area
Design Offices bietet euch Zugang zur neuen Arbeitswelt.Ganz nach dem Motto „Feel good, work better“ verfolgt Design Offices das Ziel, der Ort zu sein, an dem Menschen lieber und besser zusammenarbeiten. Das Erfolgsrezept: Ein Mix aus herzlichem Service und variablen Arbeitssettings mit hochwertiger Ausstattung für mehr Austausch, Kreativität, Produktivität und Innovation. Der Marktführer für flexible Arbeitslandschaften ist an 45 Standorten deutschlandweit vertreten. Ihr findet dort für jede Arbeitssituation den passenden Raum – egal ob fokussiertes Arbeiten im eigenen Office, kreatives Brainstorming im Meetingraum oder wirkungsvolle Business-Events in besonderen Eventlocations. Und das Ganze maximal flexibel zur Kurz- oder Langzeitnutzung.
Facilities & information
- No. of function rooms 8
- largest room (Pers) 199
- Largest room (sqm) 462
- max. Pers. 199
Conference Venue
- Audio-visual conference equipment
- Outdoor area
- Video projector
- TV
- External catering possible
- Air-conditioning
- LCD-Display
- laser pointer
- Screen
- microphones
- pin board
- Wheelchair access
- Blackout facilities
- Video conference
- whiteboard
- Stage
- Flip chart
- Moderation Business Kit
- Daylight
Awards conference centre
- Nachhaltiges Event
- Hybrid Event
- 360° Grad
- Block (max. Pers.) 20
- Parlament (max. Pers.) 160
- Stuhlreihen (max. Pers.) 199
- U-Form (max. Pers.) 18
Green events
- waste avoidance and reduction
- flip chart pens fabricated out of recycled material
- reusable table ware and textile tablecloth
- energy efficient event technology
- staff operates ecologically beneficial
- certified for sustainability
- invoices are sent online
- reduction of emissions, waste and sewage water
- premises not heated further than up to 23°C
- use of saving alternatives like LED, economy key, and similar
- annual requirement of electricity is covered by green electricity
- ecologically friendly operated business
- usage of large vessels for beverages, suger and milk
- usage of flip chart paper and writing pads fabricated out of FSC®-paper
- usage of daylight (avoidance of electrical light throughout daytime)
- prior-ranking of dishes that derive from regional, seasonal fair traded and controlled biolocigal cultivation
- ecologically benefical and reusable means of decoration
- dual system of waste separation
- Hannover
Number of Participants
- up to 50 persons
- 51-100 persons
- 101-300 persons
Suitable for
- Workshop
- Nachhaltiges Event
- Conferences & Conventions
- Events
Getting there

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